The Designated Person Ashore
- The Role of the DPA
- DPA Responsibilities, Authority, and Accountability
- Qualification, Training, and Experience Requirements
- Current DPA Challenges
Maritime Management Systems
- Applicable Management Systems in Shipping
- Interrelation Between Standards
- Functions of Company’s Organization
- Integrated Management Systems
Principles of Management Systems
- Planning-Doing-Checking-Acting
- Risk Management
- Verifications and Improvements
DPA on ISM Code
- Overview: ISM Code
- Requirements of ISM Code
- Factors to consider in the SMS
- DPA responsibilities on SMS Implementation and Maintenance
Industry Regulation and Standards
- Maritime Legislations
- Laws, Regulations and Standards
- Identification and Implementation
Assessing SMS Performance
- ISM Requirements for Risk Assessment
- Risk Assessment
- Incident Investigation
Safety Management System
- SMS Onboard
- SMS: Shipboard and Shore Based
- Implementing SMS
- SMS Reviews
Operations of Shipping Company
- Shipping Company Structure
- ISM: Shipping Company
- The Human Element
- The Auditing Process
- Internal Auditor Qualifications
- Use of Audit Findings
Effective Communication
- Communication Process
- Communication Barriers
- Communication Techniques
- Communication Planning